UIFI: Lets Change Greek Culture

This week I had the amazing opportunity to attend the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute at Indiana University. At UIFI, I got to meet Greek Life leaders from all the country that want to improve their chapters and communities. It was the experience of a lifetime and I feel so blessed that Kappa Delta provided me with a scholarship to attend.

Bowling Social with a fellow Kappa Delta Sister from Arizona State University

I have been to many conferences and camps before this but UIFI was much different than anything I had ever done. I bonded so quickly with my home chapter. From night one, we spent as many moments together as possible. Everyone was so insightful and contributed so incredibly much to our group. They may have made fun of my accent every chance they got but I wouldn’t trade them for anyone in the entire world. I feel so lucky to have all of them in my life. They all are going to do amazing things for their chapter, community, and the world.

Chapter 6 ready to do community service throughout the local area

This conference gave me so much to bring back to Kappa Delta and the Wayne State Greek Life community. The tools I was given will help improve things like participation, increasing chapter moral, and over all the culture of my chapter. UIFI is such a special place where everyone wants to do so much good in the world they don’t even know where to start. We spent hours talking about the hard stuff facing Greek Life and spent just as many hours laughing about any thing and every thing you could think of. Karen, the lead facilitator for the conference, made a huge impact on me. She put a lot of energy into investing in me personally and made me experience even more amazing. I will never be able to thank her enough for the advice, time, and ideas she gave me.

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Karen and I rocking our Lilly Pulitzer dresses for graduation

The people I met at UIFI made a huge impact on me. I was truly blessed when God put all these individuals in my life: from Hunter and I making fun of each other from day one, to Blair giving me pageant advice, to Tyler and I singing to country music all the way back to Indianapolis. Every person I met helped make the experience what it was. The conference gave me so much hope when it comes to not only Greek Life as a whole but our country. The future will be bright with people like these leading.

Officially a graduate of the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute