Theory Application

Being the feminist that I am the “Gender and Leadership” workshop was really important to me. Women leaders are still, in 2016, not as common as they should be. The idea that women aren’t strong enough or don’t know enough is a bunch of crap! According to research, women earn 57% of bachelor degrees, 60% of masters degrees, and more than 50% of doctoral degrees. I don’t want to hear women aren’t smart because you can’t argue with years of statistics. It has been proven that women lead in a more democratic style compared to men who usually go with a more direct style. This usually leads to better results because people feel more welcomed and open to share ideas. Being the next generation of ethical leaders, we can help to change this. I don’t blame men, I blame societies standards.  I think it is important to also acknowledge agender people as well. Someone’s gender or lack of gender doesn’t affect how effective of a leader they are. I am committed to getting female leaders recognized in society’s eyes. I hope to one day hold a high leadership position in the National Athletic Trainers Association(NATA) or the American Kinesiology Association(AKA). I will not let others suppress me simply because I am a female.Screen Shot 2016-04-28 at 6.20.11 PM

PSY 100L Reflection


This class wasn’t what I expected sadly. I loved psychology in high school. I think the human brain is an amazing thing. This class didn’t engage me as much as I wanted it to. It was great content because I am fascinated by this subject. However, the way it was presented was subpar. We just went through the powerpoint that came with the book. I find real world, interesting examples the best way to learn psychology. I am happy we had to take this class because I tried to learn a few things but I think I could’ve learned more.